We want to be ready to restart when the time comes and are looking for feedback from the subcontractor community about how we can be a good partner. We know this is a challenging circumstance for everyone and would like to understand how to succeed as a community. The responses that we gather will be available to all contractors as a part of our ongoing effort to collaborate with our partners. Please feel free to tell us what you think - Good or Bad - we want to work together.
As SLAC is ramping up onsite recovery activity, we must do so in a manner to ensure the health and safety of its employees, as well as contractors. To do so, we have implemented some new ESH safety protocols to which we all must be accountable in accordance with the CDC, as well as San Mateo County (SMC) Public Health Orders (PHO). SLAC has developed new protocols with these requirements in mind. Below are the key elements I’d like to point out as we prepare for the recovery of work at the SLAC campus:
- Our Guiding Principles are the health and safety of employees and contractors, adherence to CDC and PHO requirements, and the planning and prioritization of work appropriately and with intention.
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- Adherence to the revised Job Safety Analysis (JSA) for construction or non-construction efforts. You will be provided the appropriate JSA document to be completed and submitted for SLAC approval prior to commencement of any work. Some onsite services will not require a JSA, so if you have any questions about this requirement, please contact your SLAC Technical Representative or SLAC Procurement Specialist.
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Cleaning Supplies – Contractors are responsible for providing their employees appropriate PPE and cleaning supplies to ensure a safe and healthy work environment in accordance with the SLAC protocols.
- Employee Health Check Protocols –Contractors performing work onsite are responsible to ensure daily health checks are implemented for employees prior to entering the SLAC site for daily work activities. These protocols must be in accordance with CDC and SMC PHO guidelines.
We look forward to re-engaging our work activity with each of you.
Thank You!
System for Award Management (SAM)
Federal Business Opportunities (FBO)
Dynamic Small Business Search (DSBS)
Electronic Subcontracting Reporting Systems (ESRS)
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
Small Business Administration (SBA)